Project Schedules: What to Expect

One of the first questions clients ask is, “How long is this going to take?” This table outlines typical schedules for three types of project: new construction, a large remodel, and a small remodel. Please remember that every project is unique and actual timelines may vary from these rules of thumb, depending on specific conditions.

Project PhasesNew ConstructionLarge RemodelSmall Remodel
Confirm site conditions
Establish project profile

3-4 weeks2-4 weeks1-3 weeks
Schematic Design
Concept sketches
“Process of Discovery”
Presentation drawings
Contractor selection
Cost analysis
4-6 weeks2-4 weeks2-3 weeks
Design Development
Computer drawings
Interior elevations
Outline specification
Structural analysis
Cost analysis

3-4 weeks2-3 weeks2-3 weeks
Construction Documents
Permit drawings
Permit submission
Final specifications
Finish details
Interior drawings
Construction contract analysis

8-18 weeks6–12 weeks4-8 weeks
Construction Supervision
Weekly site supervision

8-20 months4-8 months2-4 months